The Search Begins!
North Idaho has (2) Multiple Listing Services, the Coeur
dAlene MLS and the Selkirk MLS.
Revolutionary Realty is a Member of both North Idaho Multiple
Listing Services, providing our Buyers direct access to
both MLSs; from this website, for free.
The Coeur dAlene MLS has (typically) 16-18,000 listings
total, the Selkirk has less than 4,000 total. The two MLSs
dont cooperate with each other, so there are properties
in the Selkirk MLS that arent displayed in the Coeur
dAlene MLS and vice versa, so its important
to look at both if at all possible.
Time to make some choices.
You can either (or both!):
(A) Allow us to set your searches for you.
If we set up your searches, we will also set up ongoing
searches that will automatically & quickly send you
anything that is either new to the market or anything that
has just taken a price drop, Set
up searches for me!
(B) Search for yourself, and work your way through the properties
in both MLSs. Search
For Myself
If you decide that youd like us to set up your searches,
(A, above) well develop your searches
and forward you a big list that has all of our
listings that fit your parameters. Well also set up
searches that will continue to send you any properties that
fit your parameters & are either new to market or have
just taken a price drop; so youll be kept up to date
on any new properties on the market.
A little information on how we set up searches in North
When we set up your searches, were looking for some
very basic information; and heres why we try to keep
it simple:
Minimum Square Feet
The reason it is better to use minimum square feet
as a parameter, versus using bedrooms & bathrooms, is
because in North Idaho, there will be homes that have either
too many bedrooms or not enough bedrooms for the size of
the home. So for example, we use 3 bedroom as
a parameter, but we miss the 2800 SF home that has 2 bedrooms
a den
.and a workout room
and (2) storage rooms;
all of which could easily be converted into bedrooms.
Minimum Acreage
Most rural land and homes in North Idaho will be on 10
acres or more, there are some 5 acre parcels but many will
have CC&Rs & HOAs; the majority of my
Buyers demand the freedom to do whatever they like on their
own property; shoot hunt, its about Freedom; so CC&Rs
& HOAs are for the most part, out.
Maximum Price
On max price, the idea is that you will receive everything
in the MLS that is UNDER your maximum price. So for example,
if you say that your max price is $500,000, you will only
receive properties that are priced at $500,000 & under.
If we dont set a Max price than you will
receive (via email) properties that are millions of dollars
more than youd like to spend.
So; if youd like to have Revolutionary Realty set
your searches and go to work for you, click on the link
below, and provide us with SIMPLE information, minimum acreage,
minimum SF on a house, maximum price, and well get
going on it for you right away. This is by far THE most
effective, least time consuming way to get this accomplished.
Call or email anytime
(208) 667-1776