Ready to Buy?
Time for research on individual properties
After you look through the listings weve sent, and
any others you find online; please send us (up to 10 at
a time, please) the MLS numbers or addresses of the properties
you have interest in. When we receive them, well research
them for you; trying to find every negative thing we can
find on each one for you; from bad roads to bad areas, too
much water to not enough water, heavy snow areas etc. Well
send you back mapping information, along with a short narrative
or paragraph that explains what we find in our initial research.
The idea is that well know more about the areas &
roads the properties are in & on, and well notice
more about them than the average person who isnt from
here will notice. By doing the research in advance, well
help narrow down your search so that when you arrive here,
instead of driving around to see 50 properties, well
already have it narrowed to less than 10, and sometimes
less than 5. It makes life a LOT easier for you as a Buyer,
and myself as a Realtor/Broker, and is a very honest way
of doing business. The ideal is simple; its better
to take you to see 6 GREAT properties versus driving for
5 days to see 43 that are almost all problem properties
research will generally remove 90% or more of the properties
you send us from contention; leaving only the BEST properties
for us to go & see in person; saving yourself tons of
time & wasted effort.
We wont cheerlead any properties, as in try to talk
you into buying anything. Good properties will stand
on their own merit; theyll call your attention &
youll buy them for what they are. At Revolutionary
Realty, we KNOW there is no such thing as selling
someone land or homes, our plan & ideal is to be the
best source of information that you can possibly get, anywhere;
then you make your own choices.
Call or email anytime
(208) 667-1776