Idahos Politics are primarily Conservative, and
the open differences lay in the Counties themselves.
Kootenai is by far the most restrictive county, building
code wise, of the 5 northern counties. Boundary, seated
in Bonners Ferry, is the least restrictive and most open.
People here as a rule want to be left alone to do with
their property what they will, as a rule theyll
stand together to get things done & elect people who
will give them adequate representation.
here are pretty involved in their Governments ongoing
business. They generally resent overbearing rules and
regulations, and at the same time support good regulations
to protect waters, without a doubt.
I think Limited Government would probably
describe what North Idahoans want most.
For any questions or for more information
please email
"We heard about Chris Walsh on the John Jacob Schmidt
show on Radio Free Redoubt. Immediately after listing
our previous house (in another state) we gave Chris a
call......" Read More