North Idaho, Ill divide up the people that are here
into 2 groups, natives, who have been here since they were
born, and the rest of us.
The natives are really few in number overall, as the
majority of folks here came from somewhere else, California,
New York, the Carolinas, literally everywhere, even Europe.
You stand in line at a grocery store here, and the accents
in front of you are from all over, southern drawls from
Texas, fast talking people from Connecticut or New Hampshire.
Canadian sounding people from Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Were a melting pot for people from across the country.
people that I work with that are moving here are also
all different kinds, truck drivers to NASA scientists,
a lot of Veterans, Law Enforcement people, Doctors, Bankers,
Economists. All with the same thoughts about our situation
as a whole, all seeking security from what they, and I
see as an oncoming storm. The people I work with arent
tinfoil hat wearers, they are generally all the same group,
common sensical, down to earth, both conservative and
libertarian in their leanings, very much to each
his own.
As a Group, North Idahoans are BIG Second Amendment Supporters,
they believe in their guns, and its awful strange,
because they come pretty close to NEVER shooting each
My Buyers are the Best America has to offer, I know this
to be a fact, and we appreciate each one of them.
For any questions or for more information
please email info@revrealty.us
"We first learned about Chris from a friend of ours
in Oklahoma. Our friend recommended that we check out
Chris' website about the American Redoubt. My husband......"
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