Views Expressed Below are mine only, as the Broker of
Revolutionary Realty, only.
I am a Constitutionalist, and Libertarian.
Im not a Republican, although I have sent them
plenty of Donations over the years. I believe they sold
us down the river, no different than Democrats sold Detroit
down the river for the last 50 years.
Im Conservative, but that doesnt mean in
all ways.
I want FREEDOM, more than anything else, I think that
Politicians (not government) have done more wrong and
more to hurt & cripple the American Public than any
manmade or natural disaster in History, and it all begins
and ends with corruption, from the Federal Level to the
Local Level.
I think that Modern Liberals are mislead, and dont
comprehend how they are being represented, as people.
I dont think theres a Liberal in America that
has bad intentions, I DO think that all of their badly
laid plans are inlaid with good intentions, the Affordable
Care Act being the classic example of such.
I think your land, is YOUR land.
think the Value System or Ethicality & Morality that
Americas citizens had in the 1950s was one
of the strongest that the world has ever seen, even though
it is and has been denigrated by the left in so many ways
since. Not everyone in the 1950s were Bigots or
Corrupt, their Morals dwarfed ours today.
I believe that if we were to start respecting each other
AND respecting our Laws, we wouldnt be where we
are today.
I firmly believe that any Law written to protect
people is generally circumspect.
I think that people are capable of far more than we think
they are, and that they really dont need a hand
I think its TRULY sad that those providing the
Welfare System have taken advantage of so many in our
country, rendering many helplessly dependent, forever.
I know that anyone who lives in Americas Redoubt,
North Idaho, is FAR Luckier and Blessed than anyone who
Myself, nor my Company, will not discriminate against
anyone in America based on race, religion, color, National
Origin, Age, Sex, Pregnancy, Citizenship, or Disability.
I do however, reserve, and HAVE THE RIGHT to refuse
service to anyone based on political ideology, as it is
NOT a protected class.
For any questions or for more information
please email
"My wife and I had been searching for property for
a number of years all over Idaho. We finally settled on
N. Idaho as the majority of our family is there ......"
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