though almost everything we sell is to Preppers or folks
with that ideal, very little of what we sell would be
considered a fortress or anything like that. What we sell,
across the board, are properties that arent looked
down on from a public road, properties that have some
ability to defend without a lot of work. A good choke
point is a great thing, some elevation is really helpful,
but I havent sold any bunkers or anything even resembling
that. Have sold some properties with root cellars, but
if you think about it, there werent many houses
built prior to 1945 that werent already equipped
with a root cellar. It was a common thing, and I think
theyre coming back in a big way.

For any questions or for more information please email
"I called Chris Walsh on very short notice before
my first trip to northern Idaho. First, he went through
the MLS and scoured 100 homes to match my needs through
the night....." Read